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ღ you.
title: Head over heels over Edward Cullen!!!
date: Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Watched twilight 2dae with sis,DAMN NICE luhh:]
and Edward Cullen,omg,SHUAI!!!!:P
biting my popcorn bucket when watching th movie,LOLS.
and b4 th movie slipper spoilt-.-
had 2 walk w one foot barefooted 2 shoe shop,
embarassing lor,wtf:D
why so suey worhs,LOL.
smuggled yami yoghurt into th cinema,MUAHAHA.
new moon's showing soon,so stopped reading books,HAHA:]

posted by 愛してる @ 2:36 AM
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title: Twilight.
date: Monday, December 29, 2008

Talked 2 Andre on msn 2dae,crapping:]
used comp for 4h 2dae,momma almost kisiao.
thn guaiguai de do assessments-.-
watch tv,and im still watching nw:D
BTW, tags will be replied either on tagboard or thru post:P

posted by 愛してる @ 4:11 AM
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title: It reaks my heart to leave u.
date: Sunday, December 28, 2008

YO peepos, recording down happenings recently.

27 DEC.

bathed gabbie 2dae,and she made loads of cute actions:]

hid under th table,dun wan 2 cum out.

pulled her out at last,shes giving innocent faces:D

FINALLY!i gt her 2 bathe & plyed tug o war.she kept th towel under her leg.lol.

so,she won.looking smug:]
28 DEC'
woke up at 12.30pm,thn bathed and went 2 eat b4 class.
aft tt go bugis junction w jiamin,so damn crowded luhh.
we bought bangles,which jiamins sis tt it was,sex bands-.-
ate thr,and went home.
act jiamin wan cum mah huse,but 8 pm,so canort-.-
thn reached home,brought gab go kaikai.
and jiamin called,sae nobody's at her home.LOLS.
thn she called my huse:D
thn removed contacts,wasted lorts of mah time.
had a hard time removing them.
thn went 2 some website 2 see hw 2 remove-.-
gtg nw,BYES:]

posted by 愛してる @ 4:57 AM
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title: U shut up.
date: Wednesday, December 24, 2008

yo peepos,
ytd had whole lot of fun:]
went 2 spore swimming club 4 rehearsal,but cant find th place-.-
so searched everywhr for 50MIN!!!
thn reached thr,started practice.
thn aft tt,had dinner,very 难吃 lor :x
thn changed clothes and perform.
some1 slipped and almost fell when performing.
but she newB mah,so cant blame her.
thn took photo,put flashlight v pain T.T
thn changed clothes and plyed catching!!
but th stupid guard kp saying NO RUNNING NO RUNNING-.-
gtg nw,going some stu resort:P

posted by 愛してる @ 11:08 PM
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title: 带我走。
date: Tuesday, December 23, 2008

yo peeps,zoe darl went home ytdT.T
but had loads of fun!!!LOL.
22 DEC>>
7.40pm went 2 fajar 2 ply 20c game:D
won some stupid stuff,1 mickey mouse hairband,red pkt and light stick:]
thn went home 2 watch lil nyonya,thn ply in th rm.
act say wan ply black jack,thn nvr.HAHA:P
thn watched 舞林大道 thn 娱乐百分百:D
watch watch thn slp le,nvr off tv.
thn momma came in 2 off 4 us:]
morning woke up, sneak out 2 eat mac breakfast,
cuz nd buy salted egg and bread:]
went home ,gt scolding from ma.LOLS.
eat lunch ,slacked in rm thn went out 2 BPP!
thn zoe dad drive her home,me take LRT :[
lazy 2 post on le :]

Tags Replied♥:]

paiseh,nvr reply tags 4 long time:X

Xiangyun♥-u surely go gd class der,principal gt invite u leh.
Alrissa-Eh,canort lehh.nvr invite me.u invite babyshake izzit?

posted by 愛してる @ 8:31 PM
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title: 我爱我的恶心DARLING!!!
date: Monday, December 22, 2008

Yo peeps,paiseh,nvr post 4 a while le:]
cuz nth much happened last few daes mah,LOL
thn 11am went 2 nan hua 2 buy uni and refund books.
but thn i nvr bring bklist,so cant refund-.-
thn go buy uni,damn big lor th size.but since wear for 4 yrs.thn nvm lo.
thn took bus 2 jp 2 find darl.ex long luh.
thn found her at banquet eating ice kachang:P
thn go fairprice buy thing.thn took taxi go home.
brought gabbie go kaikai and took some photos:]
watched love blossoms 2 and lil nyonya nw,darl beside drinkin hunny:]

posted by 愛してる @ 4:48 AM
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title: I Cried.
date: Thursday, December 18, 2008

met class at parade square at 8.30 am,ex early la.
thn take PSLE cert,gt posting results.
went 2 nan hua instead of RV or BPGH!!!URGH!
all becuz of tt NJC lorhh,-.-
thn ann chee they all go bpp eat breakfast,but me nvr bring purse.
so cant go lorh.walked home.
thn at 1st wan appeal for RV,thn BPGH.
but in th end,nvr appeal.LOLS.
thn momma friend and daughter kelly cum,
kelly brought her psp,but she spoilt it-.-
eyes glued 2 TV watching 不良笑花.
小花 damn funny,use her 意志力 2 embarass 江蜜.
thn watching 小娘惹 nw,gtg.

posted by 愛してる @ 5:13 AM
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title: 美好的回忆
date: Wednesday, December 17, 2008

woke up damn early 2dae,6.15am.
woke up gabbie and plyed w her and her bony:]
thn slept w her on th sofa 4 1 h and went 2 morning jog-.-
ran dwn th stairs from 12th 2 1st floor.
ran up th stairs aft jog,cut dwn th fatts on mah leg!!
reached home,momma going out 2 bangkit.
thn she go out i secretly use comp lor:P
still using compp,LOLS.
ma jus came bac from bangkit.
used 4 a lil while thn offed.
jiamin thn call,ask if can go out.
but,URGH.canort lehhT.T
thn in th end went 2 ply badminton w her and jiayi.
aft go eat dessert and went 2 jiayi huse .
plyed daidi , thn mahjong w jiayi's bro.
WON 3/5 gamees!!YOOHOO!
went home 2 bathe and watch 不良笑花 thn 女人大主意 nw:D
posting nw 2, goin eat maggie nw.

Tags Replied♥:]

Zoe♥♥-cant!!!!LOLS,eh u cum luh,darl:D
Ryuki Hayabusa-ANDRE?haha,kayz,linked:]
OH NO!lols,forgt lah.
Chingying-SHIT YOU-.- linked.
Annchee-ok lor.

posted by 愛してる @ 4:25 AM
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title: Believe in me.
date: Tuesday, December 16, 2008

ellos,ytd 2 tired 2 post-.-
woke up at 11.50,brought gab down 2 mt abaji.
ate lunch aft tt.haha.
thn used comp until 4 + b4 momma kisiao :P
thn darl call, ask me if can go lot 1 acc her,but ma dun allow-..-
thn watch 我猜。 thn 百分百。and 回来吧,顺爱! w ma:]
went 2 bathe aft tt.
watched 不良笑花 while eatin dinner.
DAMN funny luhhs!
nw using comp when abaji's out :x
cont posting tmr ,byes:]

posted by 愛してる @ 4:26 AM
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title: th world wont stop becuz of u.
date: Sunday, December 14, 2008

2dae woke upp at 10.30am.
abaji and momma nt at home,
away buyin lunch at bangkit-.-
thn toutou use comp lorhs:]
aft tt they cum bac,switched comp off and onned.
went 2 bathe,goin dance class,ex long siah.
went home,drive momma and gab go ah ma huse
thn put gabbie thr at ah ma huse,thn go eat
gabbie ex noisy,barkbarkbark.
from 1st - 7th floor osho can hear.
so bo bian,faster da bao dinnner eat at ah ma huse
thn abaji drive gab home:[
nt still at ah ma huse,stu cousin at th side.

Tags replied♥:]

Zoe♥♥-ILY 2!!! miss me worh:]
Xiangyun♥-put u as lov-ed ones le lah,link-ed ya le:]

posted by 愛してる @ 5:41 AM
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title: 不要离开我。
date: Saturday, December 13, 2008

2dae th 1st day create blog:]
ended around 10pm behhs.
v.tired worhhs.LOLS.
watching 9.30pm show nw,
momma nagging,plucking vege.
2dae went 2 dance class ,tmr still gtg:[
gt mah comp fixed 2 ytd.
going watch tv,buaiiz.

posted by 愛してる @ 5:44 AM
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